Mid-Columbia Employment First ~ Mission: Everyone can work and there is a job for everyone. Our job is to be creative and tenacious in providing support. All individuals, schools, families and businesses must raise their expectations. People will be hired because of their ability. Communities embrace people who contribute. Not working should be the exception. Everyone has something to contribute. People are healthier, safer and happiest with meaningful work. True employment is not a social service. Employment is a win/win for everybody.
Composition: The Mid-Columbia Employment First group is comprised of agencies and schools in the Mid-Columbia area who work together to help individuals who experience Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities find meaningful employment.
Some of our contributing agencies are listed below:
~ Wasco County School District and Youth Transition Program
~ Hood River School District and Youth Transition Program
~ Eastern Oregon Support Services Brokerage (EOSSB)
~ Community Living Case Management (CLCM)
~ Office of Developmental Disability Services
~ Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation
~ Oregon Commission for the Blind
~ Transition Network Facilitator
Upcoming Events:
no upcoming events at this time.
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